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Nagarro S/W pvt Ltd. Gurgaon
Url :

Brand Value -Nill

Career growth and onsite opportunities? Growth as far as package is concerned on an average its very good. You can expect a good hike after every six months but onsite opportunities are very less and for short term.

How is work environment and how efficient is the communication b/w teams or department? In terms of Work environment this is not a good place. Company can fire if you are not up to their standards or there is shortage of projects. Also in terms of communication that is not very good place.

Work pressure/Work - life balance. On an average workload is too much, that's why they are offering hefty packages. A one-year experience guy can be designated as Senior Software Engineer and on an average after two & half years of experience there is big chances that you can be termed as Associate Team Lead.

Satisfaction with salary and quality of work. Salary and quality of work is above industry level again it depends on personal satiation level

What type of work they do: Product development, Services etc. Or if mix of these then what at percent? Major work they have is product development.

Job security. This is the first company where I have seen this type of hire and fire policy. If you are not up to their mark you can be fired any time, also here personal relations are more important for growth, a good relations with HR department can bring you many rewards. This is first company where I have seen a HR can make your life like a hell.

Some positives and negatives of the company.
Positive: Work Standard (because it's a pure product development so u can expect good work), Package
Negative: Job Security, Personal Relations, No Transparency in the system, Work Environment

Do you recommend your company to others? Yes or No and Why? No, as I have already mentioned after working here for one or two years you can not work anywhere else (On three year experience you will become Associate Team Lead and no company can take you on this designation), work environment is also not good, but still if you want hefty packages you are welcome to Nagarro.

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